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- Love Objects : Emotion, Design and Material Culture (2014, Hardcover) ebook DJV, PDF


"Love Objects" investigates how we embody love in material form by exploring the emotional potency of objects in our lives. How do objects become fetishes, symbols and representations; active participants in and mediators of our relationships, as well as tokens of affections, symbols of virility, triggers of nostalgia, replacements for lost loved ones, and symbols of lost places and times? Addressing both designed 'things with attitude' and the 'wild things' of material culture, Love Objects explores a wide range of objects, from 19th-century American portraits displaying men's passionate friendships to the devotional and political meanings of religious statues in 1920s Ireland., How are love and emotion embodied in material form? 'Love Objects' explores the emotional potency of things, addressing how objects can function as fetishes, symbols and representations, active participants in and mediators of our relationships, as well as tokens of affection, symbols of virility, triggers of nostalgia, replacements for lost loved ones, and symbols of lost places and times.Addressing both designed 'things with attitude' and the 'wild things' of material culture, Love Objects explores a wide range of objects, from 19th-century American portraits displaying men's passionate friendships to the devotional and political meanings of religious statues in 1920s Ireland., Love Objects: Emotion, Design and Material Culture investigates the physical embodiment of love by exploring the emotional potency of objects in our lives. How do objects become fetishes, symbols and representations; active participants in and mediators of our relationships; as well as tokens of affections, symbols of virility, triggers of nostalgia, replacements for lost loved ones, and symbols of lost places and times?Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, covering both designed 'things with attitude' and the 'wild things' of material culture, the book explores different methodological approaches to the concept of love, whether it is different expressions of religious devotion, familial bonds, or the complexities of sexuality and sexualisation.Love Objects covers a variety of media and object types, both material and immaterial, from nineteenth-century American men's portraits displaying passionate friendships to the commodification and objectification of Aer Lingus air hostesses.

- Love Objects : Emotion, Design and Material Culture (2014, Hardcover) ebook FB2, DJV

In their journey toward understanding and forgiveness, both sisters discover that they need each other more than they knew and that in the search for true happiness, love always comes first.In this sense, marriages are not restricted by the law, religious tenets, or the partners' sexual orientation.In an age when women were expected to stay out of the political arena, alluring and tempestuous Margaret helped orchestrate one of the most notorious marriages of the sixteenth century: that of her son Lord Darnley to Mary, Queen of Scots.Margaret defiantly warred with two queens Mary, and Elizabeth of England and was instrumental in securing the Stuart ascension to the throne of England for her grandson, James VI.Native Believer , his debut novel, explores questions of nationality, religion, and the fears and paranoia in American society circa right now.Soon they realize that they are falling in love, which complicates matters deliciously.Charged with energy, informed by history and culture, and filled with fresh concepts, McQueen's shows have become legends not only of fashion but also of art.A. Tucker, the second novel in this darkly sexy contemporary series from bestselling author Monica Murphy wraps up an emotionally powerful two-part tale of forbidden love.Paper Cats -- the 5th in a series that's taking the world by storm.Whether the movie features an unforgettable date (My Date with Drew), odd first meetings (Wimbledon), or a particularly stormy breakup (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), Halpern steers the reader toward a valuable lesson to be learned, for example: 45.Too much is at stake., When a Buenos Aires industrialist is found dead at his home in Marivillosa, the novelist Nurit Iscar (nicknamed Betty Boo due to her apparent similarities to cartoon ingenue Betty Boop) is contracted to cover the story.