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Best Editorial Cartoons: Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year (1974, Hardcover) book MOBI, FB2, TXT


Take 139 leading editorialcartoonists from the United States and Canada, inspire their creative talentswith the major political issues of 1973, and the result is this provocativepictorial history of one of the Twentieth Centuryi1/2s most tumultuous years.This, the second volume of theseries, features the graphic commentary of virtually every major editorialcartoonist working in North America today, including twelve Pulitzer Prizewinners. Topics range from Watergate, the energy crisis, and Americai1/2s returningPOWs, to a score of other events and issues.The 375 editorial cartoonscontained in this worki1/2at once biting, perceptive, and humorousi1/2represent themost outstanding examples of the art from a variety of mediai1/2newspapers, magazines, television, and cartoon syndicatesi1/2and reflect a broad range ofpolitical thought and conviction. Liberal and conservative, radical andmiddle-of-the-roadi1/2virtually every political philosophy finds expression withinthese pages.The revelations of Watergate, ofcourse, provided a fertile field of ideas for every editorial cartoonist during1973, and some of this yeari1/2s outstanding works focused upon this and relatedtopics. Many other issues, however, also claimed the attention of the generalpublic and of editorial cartoonists as well: the emotion-packed return ofhundreds of American POWs following years of imprisonment in North Vietnamesejails; the new war in the Middle East; President Nixoni1/2s battles with Congressand the press; the precedent-setting resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew;and a new trend in U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning obscenity andpornography.As in the previous editions, thisvolume is edited by Charles Brooks, former president of the Association ofAmerican Editorial Cartoonists and winner of numerous awards for cartooningexcellence.

Best Editorial Cartoons: Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year (1974, Hardcover) by book PDF, FB2, DJV

Each book includes: first-hand accounts from people involved in the Holocaust; an in-depth study of a key topic mentioned in the book; detailed timeline to help place important events; and a further reading and sources section., SLike a blazing fire, the news spreads across Germany: Adolf Hitler is Chancellor of the Reich!In crystalline, perfect, and stunning prose, Tom Bullough sites, convincingly and movingly, the entire history of these islands in a small section of Radnorshire.You thread your history through a place.Kennedy's famous Space-Race-era proclamation of the United States' primary aim of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely on Earth." In recent decades, the U.S.He was one of the central figures linked to a bizarre and little-known attempted coup against Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidency.Through a series of investigations and case studies, it illuminates the structural composition and functioning of complex learning environments.